Saturday, December 10, 2016

First Term: Self Assessment

In general, English class is amusing and amazing. Our teacher has a fantastic pronunciation and her way of teaching is spectacular. In this term what I liked most was the video with my classmates and the song by Justin Timberlake because we had to work in groups, although it was difficult to organize everybody.
I think my strength is listening, perhaps because I´m used to listening to music or watching films on TV. And I think my weaknesses are writing and sometimes some spelling.
What did I do well in this term? I think I paid good attention in classes, I enjoyed them, I took part in the edition of the video and the invention of stories in class.
I think I didn´t  make enough effort because I thought that I knew more English and perhaps  I trusted myself too much. In the future I must do more effort, especially in translation and writing. We also need to improve speaking. I think that we can do projects and present them to the class. That´s the way to speak in class for more time.

In culture I learnt about Australian aborigines (I wouldn´t be a young aborigine there; it´s too hard), and about blockbusters and cinema. Outside the class I did my projects and homework, and I listened  to English music. 
Next term has to be better.

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